The moon rabbit elixir of immortality
The moon rabbit elixir of immortality

Deve la sua origine a una pareidolia comune in Asia (ma non in Occidente) per la quale è possibile vedere, negli avvallamenti della faccia illuminata della Luna piena, la figura di un coniglio seduto sulle zampe posteriori a fianco di un pestello da cucina. Si tratta per l'appunto di un coniglio che vivrebbe sulla Luna.

  • Il coniglio lunare (in cinese 月兔S, yuètùP) è una creatura presente nella mitologia e nel folklore di molti paesi dell'Estremo Oriente, e in particolare di Cina, Corea e Giappone.
  • Unrelated Moon folklore from certain native cultures of the Americas also has rabbit themes and characters. In some Chinese versions, the rabbit pounds medicine for the mortals and some include making of mooncakes. In Chinese folklore, the rabbit often is portrayed as a companion of the Moon goddess Chang'e, constantly pounding the elixir of life for her and some show the making of cakes or rice cakes but in Japanese and Korean versions, the rabbit is pounding the ingredients for mochi or some other type of rice cakes in the Vietnamese version, the Moon rabbit often appears with, and like the Chinese version, the Vietnamese Moon rabbit also pounds the elixir of immortality in the mortar. In East Asian folklore, the rabbit is seen as pounding with a mortar and pestle, but the contents of the mortar differ among Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese folklore. In Aztec culture, there is also a tale for the rabbit being in the Moon. The folklore originated in China and then spread to other Asian cultures.

    the moon rabbit elixir of immortality

    The Moon rabbit or Moon hare is a mythical figure in Far Eastern folklore who lives on the Moon, based on pareidolia interpretations that identify the dark markings on the near side of the Moon as a rabbit or hare.L'histoire d'un lapin vivant sur la Lune existe dans de nombreuses cultures, notamment dans la mythologie aztèque et dans le folklore de l'Asie de l'Est, où il utilise un mortier et un pilon. « lapin de jade »), est une forme de lapin visible par paréidolie sur la Lune. Le lapin lunaire, ou lièvre de jade (chinois : 玉兔 pinyin : yù tù litt.

    the moon rabbit elixir of immortality

    Als Topos hat der Hase zudem Eingang ins Volksmärchen gefunden.

    the moon rabbit elixir of immortality

    Die Beschäftigung mit mythologischen Figuren ist primär Gegenstand der Volkskunde, aber auch angrenzender Fachbereiche wie etwa der Kunstgeschichte. Die Figur des Hasen ist in verschiedenen Kulturen insbesondere der ostasiatischen verbreitet, wo sie in Verbindung mit einem Mörser oder Stampfbottich auftritt.

  • Der Hase im Mond (auch Mondhase) ist eine mythologische Gestalt, die als Pareidolie im charakteristischen Aussehen der Mondoberfläche wahrnehmbar ist.
  • the moon rabbit elixir of immortality

    Měsíční zajíc je legendární zvíře, které podle mýtů rozšířených například v jižní a východní Asii, v předkolumbovské Americe nebo u Khoikhoiů reprezentuje Měsíc, je s ním spřízněno, nebo na něm žije, protože tvar tmavých skvrn na jeho povrchu připomíná zajíce.

    The moon rabbit elixir of immortality