For honor warden
For honor warden

for honor warden

Logically I think it makes more sense to push him into a duelist specialist. So he'd still be regarded as a worse WM in 4's. As Warden could never offer anything over WM's feats. If we also push him in the direction of this it makes picking between them even more polarizing.

for honor warden

While both are effective duelists Warmonger has more of an emphasis on team fights. The first being if we stick to strict QoL updates such as: Better hitboxes for heavy openers and finsihers, better stamina costs to allow more offense, CC available on all sides, and an actual target swappable and potentially feintable dash it really going to be enough to make him not feel like he has these issues?Īnd the other problem is a lot of seemingly logical changes to his kit would push him in the direction of.Warmonger. I do hope at some point, Warden comes back into the spotlight, but at the moment, it looks as though this will never happen.īuffing Warden is problematic for two primary reasons. Soft feints, more attacks, anything would be good for this character, and as much of a meme as it is to say, relying on the shoulder bash for his main damage as much as the character does is actually hurtful for their performance in game, not just their "character identity". Warden as a whole really is the embodiment of a hero that has been overtaken by power creep, as even most other "off meta" heros can do a better job than he can in certain regards. Their team fighting ability is also really rough, as you are meant to throw a lot of target swapped unblockables, but the problem is that they rarely hit anyone due to the poor hitboxes. Small quality of life changes can only prop this character up so far, and what they really need is an actual opener attack, not a 700ms bash that can be, for the most part, safely interrupted and isn't even useable in group fights, and barely useable when being ganked. He brings nothing to the table that other heros can't just do better, and his entire character overall is lacking tools that are becoming a necessity in For Honor today. Warden's kit is a weird amalgamation of good 1v1 and okay, but not all that good 1vx. So many other heros in game outperform Warden in the category the hero is supposed to be in, and it's a shame, as the tools for Warden to perform well are there, but not good enough to actually perform better at a high level. The basic premise that I'm trying to highlight is that Warden doesn't have enough in his kit to make it good enough as is, and in this case, simplicity is not a strength like some other heros (i.e Jiang Jun, Zhanhu, Shugoki) The saving grace is that you chain into shoulder bash or unblockable heavy afterwards. You can't feint this move, it doesn't do that much damage, It's a fairly obvious animation, etc. The unblockable heavies are something that provided Warden's kit an immense buff, as it allowed him to have SOME sort of offense other than the shoulder bash, however, these have their own problems that will once again be explained later.ĭodge forward Heavy, "Valiant breakthrough" is a great tool for catching people rolling out of your offense, but that's about all it's good for. Shoulder bash can be chained into from any attack besides itself, which does add another layer of offense, however, due to reasons that will be explained later, this is really his only go to attack after any light or heavy.

for honor warden

Being this limited attack pattern wise is not a strength, especially in team fights and when outnumbered. To top that off, there are only 3 chains that Warden is capable of: L-L-H, L-H, and H-H. Warden's kit doesn't allow for a lot of mind games outside of his shoulder bash and chain finisher heavies.

For honor warden